
Camilo Andrés Rodríguez Garzón

The construction of the programming of university schedules is a complex process that considers different types of restrictions and objectives that varies from one institution to another.

The problem solved is a real case presented at EAFIT University, which has a series of restrictions that are necessary and / or desirable for the solution of it. In this article used a metaheuristic that produces good quality solutions for combinatorial optimization problems.

Metaheuristics has been tested for the problems proposed in the literature. The evidences shows that metaheuristic developed is an effective tool that provide solutions that meet restrictions, schedules and resources.



Quick Start

To run Timetabling, you must have provided the events, rooms, slots and teachers. For this, you should make the files in the path with the follow information:

In addition, you have a file for the configuration of someone important data that you can use in order to make a more specific enviroment to build the solution. In the path you can modify the parameters that algorithm provide.

You should define the files follow:

Run project

gradle build run


Below is a set of tables that represent the information needed to build a solution to the Timetabling problem. This information is defined in .csv files.

Id Code Group Max Student Type Room Semester Career Intensity Frequency
1 1 1 10 L 1 1 1 1
2 2 1 10 L 1 1 10 5
3 12 1 20 AN 1 1 4 2
4 13 1 20 AN 1 1 4 2

Fixed room : It is a requirement that the algorithm require in order to run correctly the LNS. The field is equal to 1 if the exact solution must contain the same room result that heuristic solution.

Id Code Type Room Capacity Cost
1 1 L 30 3
2 2 L 35 5
3 3 L 20 8
Id Event name Type contract Max number events
1 1 fulltime 2
2 1 fulltime 3
3 2 fulltime 2

Fixed slot: It is a requirement to run correctly the LNS. The field is equal to 1 if the exact solution must contain the same slot result that heuristic solution.

Code Day Start Time End Time Fix Room
1 M 6 8 1
2 T 7 9 0
3 W 9 10 1
Room Type room Capacity Event Group #Student Day Start End Teacher Contract
1 L 30 5 1 20 M 6.0 7.0 ai fullTime
1 L 30 8 1 20 M 8.0 9.0 ai fullTime
2 L 35 2 1 30 W 8.0 10.0 2 fullTime
2 L 35 10 1 20 TH 8.0 9.0 ai fullTime
2 L 35 10 1 20 F 8.0 9.0 ai fullTime
3 L 35 11 1 20 F 8.0 9.0 ai fullTime

Analysis of results